Weekly Produce Offering – 7.19.12

Hello Friends and Neighbors,

Here’s this week’s offering of our freshly harvested, organically-grown and hyperlocal produce.  We have just a few things this week and limited quantities.   Tomatoes are beginning to ripen so we’ll have some, but place your order to make sure they don’t run out.

 This week we have:

1.    Baby carrots = $3 a bunch

2.    Collards = $2 a bunch

3.     Cherry tomatoes (mixed) =  $4 a pint

4.     Scallions = $2 a bunch

5.     Herbs: Sweet Basil, Winter Savory, Rosemary and Rainbow Sage = $2 a bunch

6.     Beets = $3 a bunch

7.     Baby Arugula = $4 a bag

8.     Tomatoes  (red) = $2 a pound


Please get your order in by Wednesday night, July 18 at 9 p.m.

You can pickup your produce on Thursday July 19 from 6 to 8 p.m.at my place at 917 South 48th St., corner of Windsor Ave.           

TO ORDER:   Email me at sprucehillfarmer[at]gmail[dot]com  with what you want, how much of it, and a way to contact you.

– Spruce Hill Farmer

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