Weekly Produce Offering – 8.9.12

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Greetings from your local urban farmer!   Here’s this week’s offering of our freshly harvested, organically-grown and produce.

This week we have:

1.    Ground Cherries (a sweet tomatillo) = $3 a pint

2.    Heirloom Tomatoes (“Black”, yellow, red, Brandywine, etc.) & regular tomatoes = $2 a pound

3.     Cherry tomatoes (mixed) = $4 a pint

4.     Scallions = $2 a bunch

5.     Herbs: Basil, Winter Savory, Rosemary and Rainbow Sage = $2 a bunch

6.    Sweet Peppers (green, red, purple, yellow) = $0.50  each

7.    Hot peppers (Jalapenos, Habaneros, etc) = $0.25 each

8.   Figs = $1 bag of 5

Please get your order in by Wednesday night, August 8 at 9 p.m.

You can pickup your produce on Thursday August 9 from 6 to 8 p.m.at my place.           

TO ORDER:   Email me at sprucehillfarmer[at]gmail[dot]com  with what you want, how much of it, and a way to contact you.

– Spruce Hill Farmer